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Alphonse Victor Dazin b. 1851 d. 1926

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Lineage Dazin
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Alphonse Victor Dazin

Adèle Ursule Motte [Motte] b. 1819 d. 1894

Clément Ferdinand Dazin [Dazin]


1851 birth:

marriage: Pauline Marie Mulliez [Mulliez] b. 1 March 1858

1892 child birth: Émilie Dazin [Dazin] b. 1892

1926 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Philippe Motte
birth: 22 October 1796, Tourcoing (59)
marriage: Stéphanie Roussel
death: 8 November 1879, Tourcoing (59)
Catherine Motte
birth: 6 July 1795, Tourcoing (59)
marriage: Gaspard Desurmont
death: 17 August 1838, Tourcoing (59)
Jean François Motte
birth: 4 April 1790, Tourcoing (59)
marriage: Thérèse Désirée Destombes
death: 6 July 1840
Jean Baptiste Motte
birth: 23 April 1794, Tourcoing (59)
birth: 13 May 1864, Roubaix (59)
marriage: Pauline Adélaïde Brédart
Pauline Adélaïde Brédart
birth: 31 October 1796, Roubaix (59)
marriage: Jean Baptiste Motte
death: 8 February 1871, Roubaix (59)
Louis Motte
birth: 25 April 1817, Roubaix (59)
caste: chevalier de la Légion d'honneur
marriage: Adèle Bossut
death: 29 December 1883, Lannoy (59)
Alfred Motte
birth: 15 March 1827, Roubaix (59)
marriage: Léonie Grimonprez
death: 11 May 1887
== 3 ==
Pauline Marie Mulliez
birth: 1 March 1858, Roubaix (59)
marriage: Alphonse Victor Dazin
== 3 ==
Marcel Eugène Desurmont
birth: 22 May 1891, Tourcoing (59)
marriage: Émilie Dazin

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