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Frédéric Cuvier b. 9 October 1803 d. 9 October 1893

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Lineage Cuvier
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Frédéric Cuvier
Other given names Charles

w Frédéric Cuvier [Cuvier] b. 28 June 1773 d. 24 July 1838

Christine Charlotte Macler [Macler]

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Frédéric Cuvier (haut fonctionnaire)


9 October 1803 birth: Paris (75)

marriage: Farina [Farina]

9 October 1893 death: Paris (75)


  1. - Google Books - Annuaire de la noblesse de France et des maisons souveraines de l'Europe

From grandparents to grandchildren

Jean Léopold Nicolas Frédéric Cuvier (dit Georges Cuvier)
birth: 23 August 1769, Montbéliard (25)
marriage: Anne Marie Sophie Loquet du Trazail
title: from 29 December 1829 - 13 May 1832, baron Cuvier
death: 13 May 1832, Paris (75)
Frédéric Cuvier
birth: 28 June 1773, Montbéliard (25)
marriage: Christine Charlotte Macler
death: 24 July 1838, Strasbourg (67)
== 3 ==
Frédéric Cuvier
birth: 9 October 1803, Paris (75)
marriage: Farina
death: 9 October 1893, Paris (75)
== 3 ==

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