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Francis Cooke (Couck, Coek, Cooke) b. 1583 d. 7 April 1663

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Lineage Cooke
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Francis Cooke
Other last names Couck, Coek, Cooke
Other given names Franchoijs, Franchoys, François
Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Francis Cooke


1583 birth: England, Probably

child birth: John Cooke [Cooke] d. 23 November 1695

4 July 1603 marriage: Leiden, Netherlands, witness Phillippe de Veau y Raphael Roelandt, Hester Le Mahieu (Cooke) [Mahieu]

about 1604 child birth: Leiden, Netherlands, Jane Cooke [Cooke] b. about 1604 d. between 1631 and 1640

before 20 May 1608 child birth: Leiden, Holland, Ψ Unnamed Cooke [Cooke] b. before 20 May 1608 d. 20 May 1608

about 1618 child birth: Leiden, Holland, Jacob Cooke [Cooke] b. about 1618 d. between 11 December 1675 and 18 December 1675

1620 child birth: England, Hester Cooke [Cooke] b. 1620 d. after 9 May 1669

about 1624 child birth: Plymouth (Massachusetts), Elizabeth Cooke [Cooke] b. about 1624 d. before 22 May 1627

21 May 1627 child birth: Plymouth (Massachusetts), Mary Cooke [Cooke] b. 21 May 1627 d. 21 March 1714

7 April 1663 death: Plymouth (Massachusetts)


From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Hester Le Mahieu (Cooke)
birth: Canterbury (Kent), England
marriage: Francis Cooke (Couck, Coek, Cooke) , Leiden, Netherlands, witness Phillippe de Veau y Raphael Roelandt
immigration: 1606, Norwich (Norfolk), England
immigration: August 1623, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
Francis Cooke (Couck, Coek, Cooke)
birth: 1583, England, Probably
marriage: Hester Le Mahieu (Cooke) , Leiden, Netherlands, witness Phillippe de Veau y Raphael Roelandt
death: 7 April 1663, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
== 1 ==
Sarah Warren (Cooke)
birth: 1613, England
marriage: John Cooke , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
death: 15 July 1696, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Province of Massachusetts Bay
John Cooke
baptism: between 1 January 1607 and 31 March 1607, Leiden, Netherlands
marriage: Sarah Warren (Cooke) , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
will: 9 November 1694, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
death: 23 November 1695, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
Experience Mitchell
birth: about 1611, Leiden, Holland
marriage: Jane Cooke , Plymouth Colony
death: before 1688, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
will: 5 December 1688, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Jane Cooke
birth: about 1604, Leiden, Netherlands
marriage: Experience Mitchell , Plymouth Colony
death: between 1631 and 1640, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Massachusetts
Damaris Hopkins (Cooke)
birth: 1628, Plymouth Colony
marriage: Jacob Cooke , Plymouth Colony
Jacob Cooke
birth: about 1618, Leiden, Holland
marriage: Damaris Hopkins (Cooke) , Plymouth Colony
death: between 11 December 1675 and 18 December 1675, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
Richard Wright
birth: 9 June 1608
marriage: Hester Cooke , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
will: 8 June 1691, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
death: 9 June 1691, Plymouth (Massachusetts), about two hours after being about 83 years old
Hester Cooke
birth: 1620, England
marriage: Richard Wright , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
death: after 9 May 1669, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Massachusetts
Elizabeth Cooke
birth: about 1624, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
death: before 22 May 1627, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
Ψ Unnamed Cooke
birth: before 20 May 1608, Leiden, Holland
death: 20 May 1608, Leiden, Holland
John Thompson
birth: 1616, England
marriage: Mary Cooke , Plymouth (Massachusetts)
death: 16 June 1696, Middleborough (Massachusetts)
Mary Cooke
birth: 21 May 1627, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
marriage: John Thompson , Plymouth (Massachusetts)
death: 21 March 1714, Middleborough (Massachusetts)
Daniel Wilcox
birth: 4 March 1631, North Kingstown (Rhode Island)
marriage: Elizabeth Cooke (Wilcox) , Plymouth (Massachusetts)
death: 2 July 1702, Tiverton (Rhode Island), Newport County (Rhode Island)
Elizabeth Cooke (Wilcox)
birth: 6 December 1645, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marriage: Daniel Wilcox , Plymouth (Massachusetts)
death: 6 December 1715, Tiverton (Rhode Island), Rhode Island Colony
Thomas Taber
birth: 1646, Yarmouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marriage: Esther Cooke (Taber) , Plymouth Colony
birth: 11 November 1730, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
Esther Cooke (Taber)
birth: 16 August 1650, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marriage: Thomas Taber , Plymouth Colony
death: 17 April 1671, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Mehitable Barrow
marriage: Adam Wright
death: after 2 November 1744, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Kingston
Adam Wright
birth: between 21 September 1644 and 20 September 1646, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marriage: Sarah Soule (Wright)
marriage: Mehitable Barrow
John Wright
birth: 1647, Plymouth Colony
will: Plymouth Colony, Leave a will as he "goe forth to warr," with legacies to his brothers, sisters, and his father. Presumably he is referring to King Philip's War
death: between 7 December 1675 and 7 June 1676, Plymouth Colony
Esther Wright
birth: between 29 May 1649 and 28 May 1650, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Isaac Wright
birth: 26 August 1652, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
death: between 7 December 1675 and 7 June 1675, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony, in prob King Philip's War
Samuel Wright
birth: about 1655, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
death: between 7 December 1675 and 7 June 1676, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony, probably King Philip's War
Mary Wright
birth: before 1657, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Thomas Mitchell
birth: 1630, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
death: after 1 August 1672, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
James Shaw
birth: about 1624, England
marriage: Mary Mitchell , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
death: before 10 May 1689, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Mary Mitchell
birth: about 1632, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marriage: James Shaw , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
birth: after 17 November 1699, Massachusetts

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