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Apolline Eléonore d'Anethan b. 27 January 1798 d. 22 November 1856

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Lineage Anethan
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Apolline Eléonore d'Anethan

François d'Anethan [Anethan] b. 1743 d. 1824

Marie Catherine de Mareschal [Mareschal]


27 January 1798 birth: Habay

marriage: w Auguste d'Huart de Villemont [Huart] b. 19 June 1789 d. 20 August 1868

22 November 1856 death: Vensat (63), Château de Villemont

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
Jules Joseph Dominique d'Anethan
birth: 1769
title: baron d'Anethan
marriage: Joséphine Versyden de Varick
death: 1841
Félix d'Anethan
birth: 5 November 1787, Luxembourg
marriage: Séraphine de Mesnil de Wolkrange
occupation: 16 December 1839, Habay
Auguste d'Huart de Villemont
birth: 19 June 1789
title: baron d'Huart
marriage: Apolline Eléonore d'Anethan
death: 20 August 1868
Apolline Eléonore d'Anethan
birth: 27 January 1798, Habay
marriage: Auguste d'Huart de Villemont
death: 22 November 1856, Vensat (63), Château de Villemont
== 2 ==

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