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Barbara Levy (Levy Boxer) b. 11 November 1940

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Lineage Levy
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Barbara Levy
Other last names Levy Boxer
Wiki-page wikipedia:Barbara Boxer


11 November 1940 birth:

child birth: Douglas Boxer [Boxer]

1962 marriage: Stewart Boxer [Boxer]

16 November 1967 child birth: Greenbrae (California), Nicole Boxer [Boxer] b. 16 November 1967

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Anthony Dean Rodham
birth: August 1954
marriage: Nicole Boxer , Washington D.C., USA, White House
divorce: Nicole Boxer
marriage: Megan Madden
death: 7 June 2019
Nicole Boxer
birth: 16 November 1967, Greenbrae (California)
marriage: Anthony Dean Rodham , Washington D.C., USA, White House
divorce: Anthony Dean Rodham
marriage: Kevin Keegan

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