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Antoine Gay (Fils d'Antoine Gay et de Marie Laye) b. calculated 1752 d. 17 January 1760

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Lineage Gay
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Antoine Gay
Other last names Fils d'Antoine Gay et de Marie Laye

Antoine Gay (Epoux de Marie Laye) [Gay]

Marie Laye [Rovanel]



calculated 1752 birth:

17 January 1760 death: Suze-la-Rousse (26)


Burial :
• Témoin(s): Pierre Chanabas, Philibert Chanabas
• Officiant(s): Arnaud curé
• Âgé de 8 ans


  1. Décès - Template:Suze-la-Rousse (26) 1759 - Janvier 1765 - 1NUM1214 (BMS)

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