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Abul Harith Abdul Muttalib Shaïbah al-Hamd (Banu Hashim)

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Lineage Hachémite
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Abul Harith Abdul Muttalib Shaïbah al-Hamd
Other last names Banu Hashim

Abed Shams ibn Al-Manaf [Bani Qureish] b. 480

From grandparents to grandchildren

Hashim Ibn 'Abd Manaf
birth: about 464
death: 497
Nawfal bin ‘Abd al-Manāf
birth: between 451 and 511
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Umayyah Ibn Abdu Shams
birth: 539, Mecca, Arabia
adoption: Umayya was the adopted son of [[Person:28169|Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf]] , and the father of Harb ibn Umayya and Abu al-'As (source Wikipedia)
nationality: Visigoth
marriage: Amina Zauja-e-Umayyah bin 'Abd Shams
== 3 ==

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