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Louise d'Anduze (Anduze) b. about 1370 d. 1446

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Lineage Anduze
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Louise d'Anduze
Other last names Anduze

Luis Anduze (d'Anduze) [Anduze] b. about 1350

Marguerite d'Apchon (Apchon) [Apchon] b. 1340


about 1370 birth:

child birth: Marguerite de Comborn [Comborn]

child birth: Isabelle de Comborn [Comborn]

marriage: Jean Ier l’Archevêque [L’Archevêque-Parthenay]

marriage: Guichard V de Comborn [Comborn] b. 1350 d. 30 August 1412

1400 child birth: Jean I de Comborn [Comborn] b. 1400 d. 1480

1446 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Béatrice d'Anduze
birth: about 1305
marriage: Jean Alleman
death: 1351
Bermond d'Anduze (Voulte)
birth: 1305
title: Seigneur de La Voulte , Rochemaure, Chaumérac et Pierregourde
marriage: Aliénor de Poitiers-Valentinois
marriage: Marguerite du Tournel
death: after 30 April 1368
== 3 ==
Guichard V de Comborn
birth: 1350
marriage: Louise d'Anduze (Anduze)
death: 30 August 1412, Azincourt, France
== 3 ==
Jean I de Comborn
birth: 1400
death: 1480
Gofier de Pompadour
title: Seigneur de Pompadour
title: Seigneur de Cromieres
title: Seigneur d'Arnac
marriage: Isabelle de Comborn
death: 1441
Renaud d'Aubusson
property: Seigneur du Monteil
marriage: Marguerite de Comborn
property: 1433
Jean Ier de La Rochefoucauld
birth: 1430, Rochechouart, France
death: 1471
Jean de Comborn
birth: 1436
title: vicomte de Comborn
title: baron de Treignac
marriage: Jeanne de Maignelais (Maignelais)
Jean II de Pompadour
title: Seigneur de Pompadour
title: Seigneur de Cromieres
occupation: Conseiller & Chambellan du Roi Louis XI
marriage: Marguerite Chauvron
occupation: estimated 1500, Capdenac (46), Capitaine
death: 11 January 1502

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