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Paul Renouard b. 1803 d. 1871

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Lineage Renouard
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Paul Renouard

w Aнтони-Августин Ренуар [Ренуар] b. 21 September 1765 d. 15 December 1853

Екатерина де Сент [Saintes] b. September 1772 d. 7 June 1858


1803 birth:

marriage: Élisa Durand [Durand] b. 1817 d. 1891

1837 child birth: Lucie Renouard [Renouard] b. 1837 d. 1909

1871 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Шарль-Грегуар де Бошам
birth: 25 July 1731, Cherbonnières
title: маркиз де Бошам
death: 5 May 1817, Париж
Aнтони-Августин Ренуар
birth: 21 September 1765, Париж
marriage: Екатерина де Сент
death: 15 December 1853, Saint-Valery-sur-Somme
Екатерина де Сент
birth: September 1772, Londres
marriage: Aнтони-Августин Ренуар
death: 7 June 1858, Saint-Valery-sur-Somme (80)
== 3 ==
Jules Renouard
birth: 13 February 1798, Paris (75)
marriage: Adèle Cunin-Gridaine
marriage: Amélie Talabot
death: 20 February 1854, Paris (75)
Шарль Ренуар
birth: 22 October 1794, Париж
marriage: Adèle Girard
death: 17 August 1878, L'Isle-Adam, Château de Stors
Élisa Durand
birth: 1817
marriage: Paul Renouard
death: 1891
Paul Renouard
birth: 1803
marriage: Élisa Durand
death: 1871
== 3 ==
Georges Boulanger
birth: 29 April 1837, Rennes (35)
marriage: Lucie Renouard
death: 30 September 1891, Ixelles
Émile Driant
birth: 11 September 1855, Neufchâtel-sur-Aisne (02)
marriage: Marcelle Boulanger
death: 22 February 1916, Beaumont-en-Verdunois (55)

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