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Gustave Alexandre Legrand b. 1849 d. 1937

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Lineage Legrand
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Gustave Alexandre Legrand

Alexandre Adrien Legrand [Legrand] b. 19 March 1819 d. 1880

Marie Antoinette Charlotte Millon de Montherlant [Millon] b. 1828 d. 1904



1849 birth:

marriage: Adrienne Givelet [Givelet] b. 1855 d. 1923

1884 child birth: Madeleine Legrand [Legrand] b. 1884 d. 1961

1937 death:


  1. - Google Books - Des Montherlant à Montherlant

From grandparents to grandchildren

Julie Legrand
birth: 17 April 1791, Paris (75)
marriage: Jean Baptiste Pascal Guibout
death: 19 December 1846, Paris (75)
Alexandre Legrand
birth: 5 March 1787, Paris (75)
marriage: Sophie Leconte
death: 18 August 1870, Villecerf (77), [[Catégorie:Identités déconcertantes|{{clanname:{{PAGENAME}}}}]]
Sophie Leconte
birth: 20 April 1788, Paris (75)
marriage: Alexandre Legrand
death: 15 August 1854, Paris (75)
Nicolas Charles Millon de Montherlant
birth: 25 March 1798, Montherlant (60)
marriage: Émilie de Malinguehen
death: 27 December 1879, Chambly (60)
Émilie de Malinguehen
birth: 21 December 1803, Beauvais (60)
marriage: Nicolas Charles Millon de Montherlant
death: 21 August 1889, Paris (75)
burial: Montherlant (60)
Frédéric Millon de Montherlant
birth: 18 April 1835, Valdampierre (60)
marriage: Élise Bessirard de Latouche
marriage: Clotilde Billecocq
marriage: Marie Billecocq
caste: 1893, chevalier de la Légion d'honneur
death: April 1898, Fontenay-aux-Roses (92)
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Jean Desjonquères
birth: 1875
caste: Foucarmont (76), Maire
marriage: Madeleine Legrand
death: 1963

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