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Theodore Dwight b. 15 December 1764 d. 12 June 1846

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Lineage Dwight
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Theodore Dwight

Mary Edwards [Edwards]

Timothy Dwight [Dwight] b. 27 May 1726 d. 10 June 1777

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Theodore Dwight (elder)


15 December 1764 birth: Northampton (Massachusetts)

marriage: Abigail Alsop [Alsop] b. 1765 d. 1846

1796 child birth: w Theodore Dwight [Dwight] b. 1796 d. 1866

12 June 1846 death: New York

From grandparents to grandchildren

Jonathan Edwards
birth: 5 October 1703, East Windsor, Connecticut
marriage: Sarah Pierpont
death: 22 March 1758, Princeton (New Jersey)
Mary Pierpont
birth: 1702
marriage: William Russell
death: 1740
Timothy Edwards
birth: 25 July 1738, Northampton (Massachusetts)
marriage: Rhoda Ogden
death: 27 October, Stockbridge (Massachusetts)
Esther Edwards
birth: 13 February 1732, Northampton (Massachusetts)
marriage: Aaron Burr
death: 7 April 1758, Princeton (New Jersey)
Pierpont Edwards
birth: 8 April 1750, Northampton (Massachusetts)
marriage: Frances Ogden
death: 5 April 1826, Bridgeport (Connecticut)
Timothy Dwight
birth: 27 May 1726
marriage: Mary Edwards
death: 10 June 1777
== 3 ==
Timothy Dwight IV
birth: 14 May 1752
marriage: Mary Woolsey
death: 11 January 1817
Abigail Alsop
birth: 1765
marriage: w Theodore Dwight
death: 1846
Theodore Dwight
birth: 15 December 1764, Northampton (Massachusetts)
marriage: Abigail Alsop
death: 12 June 1846, New York
== 3 ==
Theodore Dwight
birth: 1796
marriage: Eleanor Boyd
death: 1866

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