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Elizabeth Gerther (Howe) b. 1526 d. 1558

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Lineage Gerther
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Elizabeth Gerther
Other last names Howe


1526 birth:

marriage: Thomas Howe [Howe] b. 1523 d. 1574

16 April 1554 child birth: Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England, Susan Alice Howe (Tripp) [Howe] b. 16 April 1554 d. 26 May 1623

1558 death:

[edit] Sources

  1. Dowling Family Tree - -

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Thomas Howe
birth: 1523, Somersetshire, England
marriage: Elizabeth Gerther (Howe)
death: 1574, Somersetshire, England
== 1 ==
Nathaniel Tripp
birth: 1549, Lincolnshire, England
marriage: Susan Alice Howe (Tripp)
death: 1579, Lincolnshire, England
Susan Alice Howe (Tripp)
birth: 16 April 1554, Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England
marriage: Nathaniel Tripp
death: 26 May 1623, London, Middlesex (England)
Isabel Moses (Tripp, Moyses)
birth: 1580, Northumberland, England
marriage: John Tripp
death: 1678
John Tripp
birth: 1577, Horkstow, Lincolnshire, England
marriage: Isabel Moses (Tripp, Moyses)
death: 28 October 1678

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