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Josias von Rantzau b. 3 August 1903 d. estimated June 1950

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Lineage Rantzau
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Josias von Rantzau
Other given names Josias Clemens Christian Wilhelm Cuno von Rantzau

w Cuno von Rantzau [Rantzau] b. 6 September 1864 d. 17 December 1956

Erica von Müller [Müller] b. 30 October 1878 d. 13 April 1958

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Josias von Rantzau


3 August 1903 birth: Schwerin

15 October 1941 marriage: Ludovika von Quadt zu Wykradt und Isny [Quadt] b. 21 July 1910 d. 1 May 1986

29 August 1942 child birth: Berlin, Marie Gabrielle von Rantzau [Rantzau] b. 29 August 1942

estimated June 1950 death: Temnikow, Wolga (Föderationskreis), Potma

From grandparents to grandchildren

Cuno von Rantzau
birth: 6 September 1864, Celle
marriage: Erica von Müller
death: 17 December 1956, Bardowick, Niedersachsen, Vrestorf
Erica von Müller
birth: 30 October 1878, Bardowick, Niedersachsen, Vrestorf
marriage: Cuno von Rantzau
death: 13 April 1958, Bardowick, Niedersachsen, Vrestorf
== 3 ==
Ludovika von Quadt zu Wykradt und Isny
birth: 21 July 1910, München
marriage: Josias von Rantzau
death: 1 May 1986, Wildbad Kreuth
Josias von Rantzau
birth: 3 August 1903, Schwerin
marriage: Ludovika von Quadt zu Wykradt und Isny
death: estimated June 1950, Temnikow, Wolga (Föderationskreis), Potma
== 3 ==

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