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Alfred de Gramont b. 1823 d. 1881

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Lineage Gramont
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Alfred de Gramont

w Antoine IX de Gramont [Gramont] b. 17 June 1789 d. March 1855

Anna Grimaud d'Orsay [Grimaud] b. 19 June 1802 d. 2 January 1882


1823 birth:

marriage: Louise de Choiseul-Praslin [Choiseul] b. 1828 d. 1902

1861 child birth: Arnaud de Gramont de Coigny [Gramont] b. 1861 d. 1923

1881 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Geneviève de Gramont
birth: July 1751, Paris (75)
marriage: Charles Pierre Hyacinthe d'Ossun
death: 26 July 1794, Paris (75)
Antoine VIII de Gramont
birth: 17 August 1755
title: duc de Guiche
title: Bidache (64), prince de Bidache
marriage: Aglaé Louise Françoise Gabrielle de Polignac
title: from 1801 - 1836, Bidache (64), duc de Gramont
death: 28 August 1936, Paris (75)
Jules Auguste Armand Marie de Polignac
birth: 14 May 1780, Versailles (78)
title: prince de Polignac
title: duc de Polignac
title: comte de Polignac
occupation: ambassadeur, ministre des Affaires étrangères, président du Conseil des ministres
marriage: Barbara Campbell , Londres
marriage: w Mary Charlotte Parkins , Londres
death: 29 March 1847, Paris (75)
Armand Jules Marie Héraclius XXIV de Polignac
birth: 15 January 1771, Paris
title: duc de Polignac
title: seigneur de Claye
marriage: Idalie Jeanne Lina von Neukirchen , Albignasego
death: 1 March 1847, Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Aglaé Louise Françoise Gabrielle de Polignac
birth: 7 May 1768, Paris
marriage: Antoine VIII de Gramont
death: 30 March 1803, Edinburgh
Aglaé de Gramont
birth: 17 January 1787, Versailles (78)
marriage: Horace Sébastiani de la Porta
death: 21 January 1842, Paris (75)
Antoine IX de Gramont
birth: 17 June 1789, Versailles (78), Château de Versailles
title: duc de Guiche
marriage: Anna Grimaud d'Orsay
title: from 1836 - 1855, Bidache (64), duc de Gramont
death: March 1855
Anna Grimaud d'Orsay
birth: 19 June 1802
marriage: Antoine IX de Gramont
death: 2 January 1882
== 3 ==
Auguste de Gramont
birth: 1 July 1820
title: comte de Gramont
title: from - 1877, duc de Lesparre
marriage: Marie-Renée de Ségur
death: 4 September 1877
Antoine X de Gramont
birth: 14 August 1819, Saint-Germain-en-Laye (78)
title: duc de Guiche
marriage: Emma Mary Mackinnon
title: from 1855 - 1880, Bidache (64), duc de Gramont
death: 17 January 1880, Paris (75)
Corisande de Gramont
birth: 12 July 1821
marriage: w Charles Bennet
death: 5 October 1826
== 3 ==
Arnaud de Gramont de Coigny
birth: 1861
death: 1923

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