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Jean Baptiste François Désiré Lelièvre b. calculated 1829

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Lineage Lelièvre
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Jean Baptiste François Désiré Lelièvre


calculated 1829 birth:

22 April 1853 child birth: Rauville-la-Bigot (50), Jean François Justin Lelièvre [Lelièvre] b. 22 April 1853

1886 occupation: Rauville-la-Bigot (50), cultivateur

1886 residence: Rauville-la-Bigot (50)


  1. Mariage de son fils Jean François Justin - Template:Tamerville (50) 1883-1892 - 5Mi481 (NMD)*

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Marie Rosalie Lefey
birth: calculated 1831
occupation: 1886, Rauville-la-Bigot (50), «s'occupant au ménage»
residence: 1886, Rauville-la-Bigot (50)
Jean Baptiste François Désiré Lelièvre
birth: calculated 1829
occupation: 1886, Rauville-la-Bigot (50), cultivateur
residence: 1886, Rauville-la-Bigot (50)
== 1 ==
Armandine Marie Désirée Adam
birth: 20 November 1860, Sauxemesnil (50)
occupation: 1886, Tamerville (50), «travaillant au ménage»
residence: 1886, Tamerville (50)
education: 1886, Tamerville (50), {{Maggiolo|c}}
marriage bann: Jean François Justin Lelièvre , Tamerville (50)
marriage: Jean François Justin Lelièvre , Tamerville (50), 20:00
marriage contract: Jean François Justin Lelièvre , Valognes (50), devant maître Dubois
Jean François Justin Lelièvre
birth: 22 April 1853, Rauville-la-Bigot (50)
occupation: 1886, Rauville-la-Bigot (50), cultivateur
residence: 1886, Rauville-la-Bigot (50)
education: 1886, Tamerville (50), {{Maggiolo|c}}
marriage bann: Armandine Marie Désirée Adam , Tamerville (50)
marriage: Armandine Marie Désirée Adam , Tamerville (50), 20:00
marriage contract: Armandine Marie Désirée Adam , Valognes (50), devant maître Dubois

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