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Anna Maria von Brandenburg b. 3 February 1567 d. 4 November 1618

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Lineage Hohenzollern
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Anna Maria von Brandenburg

Johann Georg Brandenburg [Brandenburg] b. 11 September 1525 d. 8 January 1598

Sabina von Brandenburg-Ansbach [Hohenzollern] b. 12 May 1529 d. 2 November 1575

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Anna Maria von Brandenburg


3 February 1567 birth: Schloss Rheinsberg, Rheinsberg, Brandenburg

7 October 1581 marriage: Barnim X von Pommern [Greifen] b. 15 February 1549 d. 1 September 1603

4 November 1618 death: Wolin (Stadt), Woiwodschaft Westpommern, Polen


Differenz der Sterbedaten: 4.11./14.11.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Johann de Brandebourg-Küstrin (Johann Ier)
birth: 3 August 1513, Cölln
title: 11 July 1535, Stendal, Margrave de Brandebourg-Kustrin
marriage: Екатерина Брауншвейгская , Wolfenbüttel
death: 13 January 1571, Kostrzyn nad Odrą
Anna de Brandebourg
birth: 1 January 1507, Halle (Saxe-Anhalt)
title: 27 January 1524, Berlin, Duchesse de Mecklembourg-Gustrow
marriage: Albrecht Vii. "the Handsome" von Mecklenburg
death: 19 June 1567, Lübz
Elisabeth Hohenzollern von Brandenburg
birth: 24 August 1510, Alt-Kölln, Berlin
marriage: w Erich I. Welfen von Braunschweig-Calenberg-Göttingen
title: 7 July 1525, Prinzessin von Brandenburg
marriage: w Erick de Brunswick-Lünebourg (Erick Ier) , Stettin, Polen
marriage: w Poppo XII von Henneberg
death: 25 May 1558, Ilmenau
Маргарита Гогенцоллерн
birth: 29 September 1511
marriage: Georg I von Pommern
title: 15 February 1534, принцесса Бранденбург
marriage: Johann II von Anhalt-Zerbst , Dessau-Roßlau
title: 1544, Princesse d'Anhalt-Zerbst
death: 3 December 1577
Jadwiga Jagiellon
birth: 15 March 1513, Poznań, Poland
marriage: Joachim Brandenburg (Joachim) , Kraków
title: 1 September 1535, принцесса Польская
death: 7 February 1573, Alt Ruppin, Brandenburg
Joachim Brandenburg (Joachim)
birth: 13 January 1505, /05
marriage: Magdalene of Saxony , Dresden, Germany
title: 11 July 1535, Elector of Brandenburg, , , Royal Title
marriage: Jadwiga Jagiellon , Kraków
death: 3 January 1571, Koepeninck, /71
Christine Wettin
birth: 25 December 1505
marriage: Philipp I of Hesse-Kassel , Dresden, Saxony, Germany
title: 11 December 1523, Cassel (Hesse), Landgravine de Hesse
death: 15 April 1549, Kassel, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Johann de Saxe
birth: 1498
title: 12 September 1500, Emden, Prince héritier de Saxe
marriage: Elisabeth de Hesse , Cassel (Hesse)
death: 1537
Magdalene of Saxony
birth: 7 March 1507, Dresden, Germany, /07
marriage: Joachim Brandenburg (Joachim) , Dresden, Germany
title: 6 November 1524, Prinzessin von Sachsen
death: 25 January 1535, Dresden, Germany, /34
Kasimir von Brandenburg-Kulmbach
birth: 27 September 1481, Ansbach, Fürstentum Ansbach
title: 1515, Markgraf von Brandenburg-Kulmbach
marriage: Сусанна Виттельсбах , Augsbourg
death: 21 September 1527, Buda, gest. an der Ruhr
Albert of Prussia
birth: 16 May 1490, Ansbach, Franconia
title: 14 December 1510, Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, 37th
title: 5 April 1525, Kraków (Poland), Duke of Prussia
marriage: w Dorothee de Danemark , Kaliningrad, Then called : Königsberg
title: 4 April 1536, Ansbach, Margrave of Brandenburg
marriage: w Anna Maria de Brunswick-Lünebourg
death: 20 March 1568
Elisabeth de Brandebourg-Ansbach
death: 1480
birth: 30 June 1480
Margarethe de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 10 January 1483, Ansbach
death: 10 July 1532, Ansbach
Sophia de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 10 March 1485, Ansbach
marriage: w Friedrich II von Liegnitz und Brieg
death: 24 May 1537, Legnica
Anna von Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach
birth: 5 May 1487, Ansbach, Bayern
marriage: w Wenzel II von Teschen
death: 7 February 1539
Barbara de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 31 August 1488, Ansbach
death: 2 May 1490, Ansbach
Friedrich de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 13 June 1491, Ansbach
death: 1497
Johann Hohenzollern
birth: 9 January 1493, Kulmbach
marriage: Germaine of Foix , Foix, France
death: 5 July 1525, Valencia (Spain)
Elisabeth de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 25 March 1494, Ansbach
title: 29 September 1510, Ansbach, Margravine héritière de Bade
marriage: Ernst von Baden-Durlach , Ansbach
title: 1515, Margravine de Bade-Durlach
death: 31 May 1518, Pforzheim
Barbara de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 24 September 1495, Ansbach
marriage: Georg III von Leuchtenberg
death: 25 September 1552, Malmö
Friedrich de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 17 January 1497, Ansbach
death: 20 August 1536, Salzbourg
Wilhelm de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 30 June 1498, Ansbach
death: 4 February 1563, Riga
Johann de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 20 September 1499, Ansbach
death: 17 May 1550, Halle (Saxe-Anhalt)
Friedrich de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 30 November 1501, Ansbach
death: 24 July 1504, Ansbach
Gumprecht de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 16 July 1503, Ansbach
death: 25 June 1528, Bamberg
Beatrice de Frangepan (Frankopan)
birth: 1480
marriage: Georg von Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach , Ansbach
title: 22 January 1509, Ansbach, Margravine héritière de Brandebourg-Ansbach
death: 27 March 1510, Ansbach
Emilia de Saxe
birth: 27 July 1516, Freiberg (Saxe)
marriage: Georg von Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach , Dresde
title: 25 August 1533, Dresde, Margravine de Brandebourg-Ansbach
death: 9 April 1591, Ansbach
Georg von Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach
birth: 4 March 1484, Ansbach, Fürstentum Ansbach
marriage: Beatrice de Frangepan (Frankopan) , Ansbach
title: 1515, Regentschaft in Brandenburg-Kulmbach für den minderjährigen Sohn Albrecht Alcibiades seines verstorbenen Bruders Kasimir.
marriage: Hedwig Munsterberg , Oleśnica, Poland
marriage: Emilia de Saxe , Dresde
death: 27 December 1543, Ansbach, Fürstentum Ansbach
Hedwig Munsterberg
birth: 12 June 1508, Oleśnica, Poland
marriage: Georg von Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach , Oleśnica, Poland
title: 9 January 1525, Oleśnica, Poland, Margravine of Brandebourg-Ansbach
death: 28 November 1531
Barbara de Brandebourg
birth: 10 August 1527, Cölln
marriage: Georg II von Schlesien-Brieg , Berlin
death: 2 January 1595, Brzeg
Elisabeth de Brandebourg
birth: 1528
death: 20 August 1529, Cölln
Friedrich de Brandebourg
birth: 12 December 1530, Cölln
death: 3 September 1552, Magdebourg
Georg de Brandebourg
birth: 15 February 1532, Cölln
death: 15 February 1532, Cölln
Albrecht de Brandebourg
birth: 15 February 1532, Cölln
death: 16 February 1532, Cölln
Paul de Brandebourg
birth: 1534
death: 1534
Elisabeth de Brandebourg
birth: 6 September 1537, Cölln
title: 11 January 1559, Cölln, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lunebourg
marriage: Franz de Brunswick-Lünebourg , Cölln
death: 22 August 1595, Cölln
Sigismund Hohenzollern-Brandenburg von Magdeburg
birth: 2 December 1538, Berlin
death: 14 September 1566
Hedwig de Brandebourg
birth: 2 March 1540, Cölln
title: 25 February 1560, Wolfenbüttel, Princesse héritière de Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel
marriage: Julius von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel
title: 11 June 1568, Wolfenbüttel, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lunebourg et Princesse de Wolfenbuttel
title: 17 November 1584, Pavie, Princesse de Calenberg-Göttingen
death: 21 October 1602, Wolfenbüttel
Sophie de Brandebourg
birth: 14 December 1541, Cölln
marriage: Вильгельм Розенберг , Cölln
death: 27 June 1564, Cölln
Joachim de Brandebourg
birth: 1543
death: 23 March 1544, Cölln
Elisabeth Anhalt-Zerbst
birth: 25 September 1563, Zerbst
marriage: Johann Georg Brandenburg , Letzlingen, Germany
title: 6 January 1577, Cölln, Princesse-Electrice de Brandebourg
death: 5 October 1607, Krossen
Sophia de Liegnitz (Liegnitz)
birth: 1525
marriage: Johann Georg Brandenburg , Cölln
title: 15 February 1545, Cölln, Princesse héritière de Brandebourg
death: 6 February 1546, Cölln
Johann Georg Brandenburg
birth: 11 September 1525
marriage: Sophia de Liegnitz (Liegnitz) , Cölln
marriage: Sabina von Brandenburg-Ansbach , Cölln
title: 3 January 1571, Elector of Brandenburg, , , Royal Title
marriage: Elisabeth Anhalt-Zerbst , Letzlingen, Germany
death: 8 January 1598, Berlin, Germany, /98
Anna Maria von Brandenburg-Ansbach
birth: 28 December 1526, Krnov
title: 24 February 1544, Ansbach, Gräfin von Montbéliard
marriage: Christoph von Württemberg , Ansbach
title: 6 November 1550, Tübingen, Herzogin von Württemberg
death: 20 May 1589, Stuttgart
София Гогенцоллерн
birth: 23 March 1535
marriage: w Heinrich XI von Liegnitz , Legnica
death: 22 February 1587
Barbara de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 1536
death: 17 June 1591, Ansbach
Dorothea de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 23 February 1538, Ansbach
marriage: w Heinrich V von Plauen , Gera
death: 18 January 1604, Theusing
Georg de Brandebourg-Ansbach
birth: 5 April 1539, Ansbach
title: 27 December 1543, Ansbach, Margrave de Brandebourg-Ansbach
marriage: Elisabeth de Brandebourg-Kustrin
marriage: Sophie von Braunschweig-Lüneburg , Lunebourg
death: 25 April 1603, Ansbach
Sabina von Brandenburg-Ansbach
birth: 12 May 1529, Ansbach, Bayern
marriage: Johann Georg Brandenburg , Cölln
title: 12 February 1548, Alt-Kölln, Kronprinzessin von Brandenburg
title: 3 January 1571, Prinzessin von Brandenburg
death: 2 November 1575, Berlin, Deutschland
== 3 ==
Joachim Ernst Brandenburg-Ansbach
birth: 22 June 1583, Koelln Spree
title: 25 April 1603, Markgraf von Brandenburg-Ansbach, Royal Title
marriage: Sophie von Solms-Laubach , Laubach (Hesse)
death: 7 March 1625, Ansbach, Germany, /25
Magdalene von Brandenburg
birth: 7 January 1582, Berlin, Germany, /82
marriage: Ludwig V Hesse-Darmstadt , Berlin, Germany
title: 5 June 1598, Prinzessin von Brandenburg
death: 4 May 1616, Darmstadt, Germany
Joachim Friedrich von Brandenburg
birth: 27 January 1546, Alt-Kölln
marriage: Katharina von Brandenburg-Küstrin
title: 8 January 1598, Magdeburg, Administrator des Erzstifts Magdeburg
marriage: Eleonore von Preußen , Cölln
death: 18 July 1608, Berlin-Köpenick
Christian von Brandenburg-Bayreuth
birth: 30 January 1581, Alt-Kölln
title: 25 April 1603, Markgraf von Brandenburg-Bayreuth, zuvor Brandenburg-Kulmbach (1603)
title: 1604, Markgraf von Brandenburg-Bayreuth
marriage: Marie Hohenzollern von Preußen , Kulmbach
death: 30 May 1655, Bayreuth
Agnese de Brandebourg
birth: 17 July 1584, Cölln
marriage: Philipp Julius Greifen von Pommern
title: 9 September 1628, Barth, Princesse de Saxe-Lauenbourg
marriage: Franz Karl von Sachsen-Lauenburg
death: 26 March 1629, Amt Neuhaus
Friedrich Hohenzollern von Brandenburg
birth: 22 March 1588, Alt-Kölln
death: 19 May 1611, Słońsk
Elisabeth Sophie von Brandenburg
birth: 4 July 1589, Berlin
marriage: Janusch Radziwill , Berlin
title: 27 February 1628, Prinzessin von Brandenburg
marriage: Julius Heinrich von Sachsen-Lauenburg
death: 24 December 1629, Frankfurt (Oder), Brandenburg
Georg de Brandebourg
birth: 19 February 1555, Cölln
death: 8 January 1557, Cölln
Erdmuthe Hohenzollern von Brandenburg
birth: 26 June 1561, Berlin
title: from 26 June 1561 - 17 February 1577, Brandenburg an der Havel, Prinzessin von Brandenburg
marriage: Jean-Frédéric de Poméranie , Szczecin
title: from 17 February 1577 - 9 February 1600, Herzogin von Pommern
title: from 9 February 1600 - 13 November 1623, Herzoginwitwe von Pommern
death: 13 November 1623, Słupsk
burial: Stettiner Schloss
Sigmund de Brandebourg
birth: 20 November 1592, Cölln
death: 30 April 1640, Cölln
Johann de Brandebourg
birth: 13 July 1597, Cölln
death: 13 September 1627, Cölln
Sophie Hohenzollern von Brandenburg
birth: 6 June 1568, Schloss Rheinsberg, Rheinsberg, Brandenburg
title: 25 April 1582, Prinzessin von Brandenburg
marriage: Christian I von Sachsen
title: 11 February 1586, durch Heirat Kurfürstin von Sachsen
death: 7 December 1622, Schloss Colditz, Colditz, Sachsen
Georg de Brandebourg
birth: 20 November 1591, Cölln
death: 29 November 1615, Cölln
Dorothee de Brandebourg
birth: 19 October 1590, Cölln
marriage: Johann Christian Piasten
death: 9 March 1625
Barnim X von Pommern
birth: 15 February 1549, Wolgast
title: from 1560 - 1603, Herzog von Pommern
marriage: Anna Maria von Brandenburg
death: 1 September 1603, Stettin
Anna Maria von Brandenburg
birth: 3 February 1567, Schloss Rheinsberg, Rheinsberg, Brandenburg
marriage: Barnim X von Pommern
death: 4 November 1618, Wolin (Stadt), Woiwodschaft Westpommern, Polen
== 3 ==

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