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Robert Livingston b. calculated 1826 d. 14 September 1864

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Lineage Livingston
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Robert Livingston


calculated 1826 birth:

1862 marriage count: 1

1862 occupation: Medford (Massachusetts), bolter

between 6 August 1862 and 14 September 1864 military service: 39th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Company C, a.o., prisoner of war

14 September 1864 death: Andersonville (Georgia)

[edit] Sources

  1. The Thirty-Ninth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 1862-1865 by Alfred S. Roe -

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Robert Livingston
birth: calculated 1826
marriage count: 1862, 1
occupation: 1862, Medford (Massachusetts), bolter
military service: between 6 August 1862 and 14 September 1864, 39th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Company C, a.o., prisoner of war{{39th regiment - Massachusetts volunteers}}
death: 14 September 1864, Andersonville (Georgia)
== 1 ==

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