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Dorothy Livingston Ulrich (Troubetzkoy) b. 17 November 1914 d. 8 December 2003

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Lineage Ulrich
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Dorothy Livingston Ulrich
Other last names Troubetzkoy

George Ulrich [Ulrich]

Alice Smith [Smith]


17 November 1914 birth: Hartford (Connecticut), USA

title: по браку, княгиня

1941 marriage: Сергій Сергійович Трубецький [Трубецькі] b. 14 December 1914 d. 5 January 2001

15 December 1944 child birth: New York City, USA, Daria Troubetzkoy (Lewis, Woods) [Trubetskoy] b. 15 December 1944 d. 18 February 2013

1950 child birth: Sergei Troubetzkoy [Trubetskoy] b. 1950

1952 child birth: Vilna Troubetzkoy (Roorda) [Trubetskoy] b. 1952

8 December 2003 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
Сергій Сергійович Трубецький
birth: 14 December 1914, Київ, Російська імперія
title: Російська імперія, князь
marriage: Dorothy Livingston Ulrich (Troubetzkoy)
death: 5 January 2001, Стонтон, Вірджинія, США
Dorothy Livingston Ulrich (Troubetzkoy)
birth: 17 November 1914, Hartford (Connecticut), USA
title: по браку, княгиня
marriage: Сергій Сергійович Трубецький
death: 8 December 2003
== 2 ==
Daria Troubetzkoy (Lewis, Woods)
birth: 15 December 1944, New York City, USA
title: princess
marriage: Robert Mathews Lewis
marriage: Gordon Woods
death: 18 February 2013, Marstons Mills (Massachusetts), USA
Sergei Troubetzkoy
birth: 1950
title: князь
Vilna Troubetzkoy (Roorda)
birth: 1952
title: princess
John MacKay
birth: Сполучене Королівство
marriage: Sorrell Lewis (MacKay, Downing)
Gerrit Pieter Roorda
birth: 9 June 1994

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