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Наталья Никитична Вандаева b. between 1862 and 1863

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Lineage Вандаевы
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Наталья Никитична Вандаева


between 1862 and 1863 birth:

19 October 1881 marriage: Андрей Захаров (Кирюшкин) [Захаровы] b. calculated 1862 d. 26 February 1910

25 September 1882 child birth: Иван Кирюшкин [Кирюшкины] b. 25 September 1882 d. 22 March 1883

5 February 1884 child birth: Сергей Кирюшкин [Кирюшкины] b. 5 February 1884 d. after 1917

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Андрей Захаров (Кирюшкин)
birth: calculated 1862
marriage: Наталья Никитична Вандаева
death: 26 February 1910, по старому стилю; отравился рыбой
== 1 ==
Иван Кирюшкин
birth: 25 September 1882
death: 22 March 1883
Сергей Кирюшкин
birth: 5 February 1884
death: after 1917

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