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Hamadi Khouini b. 21 May 1943 d. 15 June 1993

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Lineage Khouini
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Hamadi Khouini

Khouini [Khouini]

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Hamadi Khouini


21 May 1943 birth: Grombalia, village de Nianou

child birth: Khaled Khouini [Khouini]

child birth: Mariem Khouini [Khouini]

caste: Londres, Ambassadeur

caste: Washington D.C., Ambassadeur

marriage: Rafika Hamdi [Hamdi]

from April 1980 - March 1983 caste: Sousse, Gouverneur

from March 1983 - December 1986 caste: Tunis, Gouverneur

from August 1989 - October 1990 caste: Tunis, Gouverneur

1991 caste: New York, vice-président de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies

15 June 1993 death: New York


  1. Hamadi Khouini, Tunisian Diplomat - The New York Times
  2. - Google Books - Jeune Afrique

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
Moncef Khouini
birth: 4 November 1951, Grombalia, Village de Nianou
marriage: Thoraya Ben Salem
Fatma Khouini
death: 2011
Hamadi Khouini
birth: 21 May 1943, Grombalia, village de Nianou
caste: Londres, Ambassadeur
caste: Washington D.C., Ambassadeur
marriage: Rafika Hamdi
caste: from April 1980 - March 1983, Sousse, Gouverneur
caste: from March 1983 - December 1986, Tunis, Gouverneur
caste: from August 1989 - October 1990, Tunis, Gouverneur
caste: 1991, New York, vice-président de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies
death: 15 June 1993, New York
== 2 ==

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