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Jean Olphe-Galliard b. 1893 d. 1975

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Lineage Olphe-Galliard
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Jean Olphe-Galliard

Suzanne Dal Piaz [Dal Piaz] b. 14 January 1900

Pierre Olphe-Galliard [Olphe-Galliard] b. 1890


1893 birth: Ангулем (Шаранта)

child birth: Évelyne Olphe-Galliard [Olphe-Galliard]

child birth: Pauline Olphe-Galliard [Olphe-Galliard]

child birth: Roseline Olphe-Galliard [Olphe-Galliard]

marriage: Martine Faye [Faye]

1975 death:


даты рождения и смерти - по источник

согласно - был монахом. Как он при этом мог иметь жену и детей - непонятно.

информация о существовании жены и детей - источник

From grandparents to grandchildren

John Dal Piaz
birth: 26 February 1865, Paris (75)
occupation: Secrétaire Général de la Compagnie générale transatlantique
marriage: Marthe Baudoin
caste: 1927, grand-croix de la Légion d'honneur
death: 18 June 1928, Paris (75)
burial: Paris (75), Cimetière du Père-Lachaise
Marthe Baudoin
birth: 1879
marriage: John Dal Piaz
death: 1959
Elisabeth Dal Piaz
birth: 27 October 1901, Paris (75)
marriage: Pierre Le Gallais
Suzanne Dal Piaz
birth: 14 January 1900, Paris (75)
marriage: Pierre Olphe-Galliard
Joseph Olphe-Galliard
birth: 16 March 1877, Lyon (69)
death: 4 June 1960, Lyon (69)
Pierre Olphe-Galliard
birth: 1890
marriage: Suzanne Dal Piaz
caste: 1937, officier de la Légion d'Honneur
== 3 ==
Jean Olphe-Galliard
birth: 1893, Ангулем (Шаранта)
marriage: Martine Faye
death: 1975
== 3 ==

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