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Eleanore Reuss b. 22 August 1860 d. 12 September 1917

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Lineage Reuss
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Eleanore Reuss
Other given names Eleanore, Prinzessin Reuss

Heinrich IV Reuss zu Schleiz-Köstritz [Reuss] b. 26 April 1821 d. 25 July 1894

Луїза Ройсс цу Грейц [Ройсс] b. 3 December 1822 d. 28 May 1875


22 August 1860 birth: Trzebiechów

28 February 1908 marriage: Gera, Ferdinand I Maximilian Karl Leopold Maria of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha [Saxe-Coburg-Gotha] b. 26 February 1861 d. 10 September 1948

12 September 1917 death: Evksinograd

From grandparents to grandchildren

Heinrich LXXIV Reuss zu Schleiz-Köstritz
birth: 1 November 1798, Braunschweig
death: 22 February 1886, Junkendorf
Heinrich LX Reuss
birth: 4 July 1784, Berlin
marriage: Dorothee von Schönaich-Carolath
death: 7 April 1833, Dresden
Heinrich LXIII Reuss zu Schleiz-Köstritz
birth: 18 June 1786, Berlin
marriage: Eleanore zu Stolberg-Wernigerode , Wernigerode, Wernigerode Castle
marriage: Karoline zu Stolberg-Wernigerode
death: 27 September 1841, Stonsdorf
Hermann zu Stolberg-Wernigerode
birth: 30 September 1802, Wernigerode
marriage: Emma zu Erbach-Fürstenau , Michelstadt
death: 24 October 1841, Wernigerode
Karoline zu Stolberg-Wernigerode
birth: 16 December 1806, Gedern
marriage: Heinrich LXIII Reuss zu Schleiz-Köstritz
death: 26 August 1896, Staniszów
Eleanore zu Stolberg-Wernigerode
birth: 26 September 1801, Ilsenburg/Wernigerode (???)
marriage: Heinrich LXIII Reuss zu Schleiz-Köstritz , Wernigerode, Wernigerode Castle
death: 14 March 1827, Klipphausen
Heinrich XX Reuss zu Greiz
birth: 29 June 1794, Offenbach
title: Graf und Herr zu Plauen, Herr zu Greiz, Kranichfeld, Gera, Schleiz und Lobenstein
marriage: Sophia Maria Theresia zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg
marriage: Karoline Amalie Elisabeth von Hessen-Homburg (Reuss)
death: 8 November 1859, Greiz
Генріх XVIII Ройсс цу Грейц
birth: 31 March 1787
death: 31 March 1787
birth: 28 November 1788
death: 28 November 1788
Генріх XIX Ройсс цу Грейц
birth: 1 March 1790, Оффенбах-ам-Майн, Священна Римська імперія
title: from 1817 - 1836, князь Ройсс старшої лінії
marriage: Гаспаріна де Роган-Рошфор , Прага, Німецький союз
death: 31 October 1836, Грайц, Німецький союз
Гаспаріна де Роган-Рошфор
birth: 29 September 1798, Париж, Франція
marriage: Генріх XIX Ройсс цу Грейц , Прага, Німецький союз
death: 27 July 1871, Грайц, Німецька імперія
Augusta Mathilde von Reuss-Köstritz
birth: 16 May 1822, Klipphausen, Germany
marriage: Фрідріх Франц Меклембург-Шверін
title: 3 November 1849, Ludwigslust, Grande-Duchesse de Mecklembourg-Schwerin
death: 3 March 1862, Schwerin, Germany
Heinrich VII Reuss
birth: 14 July 1825, Klipphausen
marriage: w Marie Anna Alexandrine Sophie von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach , Weimar
title: from 1878 - 1894, Deutscher Botschafter in Österreich
death: 2 May 1906, Trzebiechów (Zielona Góra County), (Trebschen)
Heinrich XII Reuss
birth: 1829, Dresden
marriage: Anna Karoline von Hochberg
death: 1866, Bad Liebenstein
Anna Elisabeth Reuss
birth: 9 January 1837, Dresden
marriage: Otto zu Stolberg-Wernigerode , Staniszów, Schloss Stonsdorf
death: 2 February 1907, Wernigerode
Johanna Reuss-Köstritz
birth: 25 January 1820, Dresden
marriage: Ferdinand Heinrich Erdmann von Schönaich-Carolath
death: 14 July 1878, Rohnstock b.Jauer
Heinrich IV Reuss zu Schleiz-Köstritz
birth: 26 April 1821, Dresden
title: Furst Reuss zu Schleiz-Kцstritz (1878-94)
marriage: Луїза Ройсс цу Грейц , Greiz
death: 25 July 1894
Elisabeth Reuss-Greiz
birth: 23 March 1824
marriage: Karl Egon III zu Fürstenberg , Greiz
death: 7 May 1861
Eduard Karl Wilhelm Christian of Saxe-Altenburg
birth: 3 July 1804, Hildburghausen
title: Duke of Saxe-Altenburg
marriage: Amalie of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , Sigmaringen, Germany
marriage: Луїза Ройсс цу Грейц
death: 16 May 1852, Munich
Луїза Ройсс цу Грейц
birth: 3 December 1822, Грайц, Німецький союз
marriage: Eduard Karl Wilhelm Christian of Saxe-Altenburg
marriage: Heinrich IV Reuss zu Schleiz-Köstritz , Greiz
death: 28 May 1875, Эрнстбрунн, Австро-Угорщина
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Heinrich XXIV Reuss zu Schleiz-Köstritz
birth: 8 December 1855, Trzebiechów (Zielona Góra County), (Trebschen)
title: Furst Reuss zu Schleiz-Köstritz (1894-1910)
marriage: Elisabeth Reuss zu Köstritz
death: 2 October 1910, Ernstbrunn
Albert Heinrich Joseph Carl Viktor Georg Friedrich of Saxe-Altenburg
birth: 14 April 1843, Munich
title: Принц Саксен-Альтенбургский
military service: 16 October 1877, Генерал-майор (Российская империя)
military service: 1885, Генерал от кавалерии (Германская империя)
marriage: Maria Elisabeth Louise Frederika van Pruisen , Berlin
marriage: Helene Marie Alexandra Elisabeth Auguste Karoline Mecklenburg-Strelitz
death: 22 May 1902
Marie von Sachsen-Altenburg
birth: 28 June 1845, München
marriage: Karl Günther von Schwarzburg-Sondershausen , Schloss Altenburg (Thüringen)
death: 5 July 1930, Schloss Sondershausen
Ferdinand I Maximilian Karl Leopold Maria of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 26 February 1861, Vienna (Austria)
title: 7 July 1887, Prince of Bulgaria
marriage: Maria Luisa Pia Teresa Anna Ferdinanda Francesca Antonietta Margherita Giuseppina Carolina Bianca Lucia Appollonia of Bourbon-Parma , Lucca, Italy
marriage: Eleanore Reuss , Gera
title: 22 September 1908, Tsar of Bulgaria
other: 3 October 1918, Sofia, Abdication
death: 10 September 1948, Coburg, Germany
Eleanore Reuss
birth: 22 August 1860, Trzebiechów
marriage: Ferdinand I Maximilian Karl Leopold Maria of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha , Gera
death: 12 September 1917, Evksinograd
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