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Valentinian III ? (Flavius Placidius Valentinianus Augustus) b. 2 July 419 d. 16 March 455

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Lineage Gens Flavia
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Valentinian III ?
Other last names Flavius Placidius Valentinianus Augustus
Other given names Valentinianus

Galla Placidia de Rome [Gens Flavia] b. about 389 d. 27 November 450

Flavius Constantius ? (Flavius Constantius Augustus) [Gens Flavia] d. 421

Wiki-page wikipedia:Valentinian_III


2 July 419 birth:

child birth: Galla Placidia Valentiniana (the Younger) [Gens Flavia]

marriage: Licinia Eudoxia [Gens Licinia] b. 422 d. 462

from 425 - 16 March 455 title: Emperor of Rome

439 child birth: Rome, Eudocia (Krekka) [Gens Flavia] b. 439 d. between 466 and 474

16 March 455 death: Рим

From grandparents to grandchildren

Aelia Flaccilla Flavius
birth: 355, Cibalis Pannonia, Roman Empire
marriage: Theodosius I
death: 386, Constantinople
Theodosius I
birth: 11 January 347, Coca (Segovia), Spain
marriage: Flavia Galla Justina (Valentina, Cibalus)
marriage: Aelia Flaccilla Flavius
title: from 379 - 395, Roman Emperor
death: 17 January 395, Milan, Italy
Gratian ? (Flavius Gratianus Augustus)
birth: 18 April 359, Sremska Mitrovica, (Sirmium)
marriage: w Flavia Maxima Constantia , Roman Kingdom
title: between 375 and 25 August 383, Emperor of the Roman Empire
death: 25 August 383, Lyon (France)
Valentinian II
birth: 371
title: between 375 and 392, Emperor
death: 15 May 392, Vienne (38)
Valens Cibalus
death: 9 August 378
Flavia Galla Justina (Valentina, Cibalus)
birth: about 340, Cauca, Spain
marriage: Theodosius I
death: 394, Constantinople
Flavius Arcadius
birth: 377
title: between 395 and 408, Emperor of Byzantium
death: 1 May 408
Flavius Honorius
birth: 9 September 384
marriage: Maria
marriage: Thermantia
death: 423
Athulf (Aschiulf) the Visigoth
birth: about 355
marriage: Балтийка
title: from 410 - 415, King of the Visigoths
marriage: Galla Placidia de Rome
marriage count: 414, Marriage to Galla Placida, Priscus Attalus gave the wedding speech
death: September 415, Assasinated by Dubious Eoforwulf
Galla Placidia de Rome
birth: about 389
marriage: Athulf (Aschiulf) the Visigoth
title: from 421 - 450, Impératrice
death: 27 November 450
== 3 ==
Justa Grata Honoria
birth: 417
marriage: w Bassus Herculanus
death: Римское царство
Theodosius of Barcelona
birth: 414
death: 415
Valentinian III ? (Flavius Placidius Valentinianus Augustus)
birth: 2 July 419
marriage: Licinia Eudoxia
title: from 425 - 16 March 455, Emperor of Rome
death: 16 March 455, Рим
== 3 ==
Flavius Palladius (Caesar)
birth: Римське царство
marriage: Eudocia (Krekka)
death: 31 May 455
Anicius Olybrius
birth: calculated 430, Roman Empire
marriage: Galla Placidia Valentiniana (the Younger)
title: 464, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire, Roman Consul
title: between 23 March 472 and 23 October 472, Roman Empire, Western Roman Emperor
death: 23 October 472
Huneric ? (King of the Vandals and Alans)
birth: estimated 427
marriage: Daughter of Theodoric ? (X-Wife of Huneric the Vandal)
marriage: Eudocia (Krekka)
title: from January 477 - 23 December 484, King of the Vandals
death: 23 December 484
Eudocia (Krekka)
birth: 439, Rome
residence: from 455 - 460, Carthage
marriage: Flavius Palladius (Caesar)
marriage: Huneric ? (King of the Vandals and Alans)
death: between 466 and 474, Jerusalem
Flavius Areobindus Dagalaiphus
birth: calculated 460, Roman Empire
marriage: w Anicia Juliana , Roman Empire
title: from 503 - 504, Roman Empire, Magister Militum
title: 506, Roman Empire, Roman Consul
death: 512, Roman Empire
Anicia Juliana
birth: Римське царство
marriage: Flavius Areobindus Dagalaiphus , Roman Empire
Hilderic Ernacus Africanus ? (King of the Vandals and Alans)
birth: about 460
title: from 523 - 530, King of the Vandals and Alans
death: 533

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