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Thomas Fournier

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Lineage Fournier
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Thomas Fournier

Thomas Fournier [Fournier]

Louise Poupel [Poupel]


4 January 1713 fact 2: Nucourt (95), Marguerite Joss Vincent.

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
Josse Fournier (Épouse Vincent)
birth: estimated 1692, Lavilletertre, ?
marriage bann: François Vincent , Nucourt (95), 3 bans publiés sans opposition ni empêchement.
engagement: François Vincent , Nucourt (95)
marriage: François Vincent , Nucourt (95)
occupation: 1755, Nucourt (95), sage-femme.d'après acte de décès de [[Personne:1097139]]
Thomas Fournier
fact 2: 4 January 1713, Nucourt (95), [[Personne:907659|Marguerite Joss Vincent]].
== 2 ==

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