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4. R. Husen Djajadiningrat/Diding

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Lineage Kasultanan Banten
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) 4. R. Husen Djajadiningrat/Diding

1. R. Mangkuningrat [Kasultanan Banten]

Nji R. Fatimah/Lilis [?]


child birth: 2. R. Iip [Sumedang Larang]

child birth: 1. Nji R. Titin [Sumedang Larang]

From grandparents to grandchildren

10. RH. Sulaeman
occupation: from 8 June 1874 - 1882, Leden van Buitenzorg
6. Rhm. Sjafi'ie (Penghulu Bogor)
occupation: from 24 June 1899 - 30 January 1911, Hoofd Panghoeloe Buitenzorg
2. Nyi RAy. Asmaya (Maya)
birth: calculated 1879, Pasirkuda
3. Nyi RAy. Enting Aisyah
birth: calculated 1880, Pasirkuda
4. Nyi RAy. Siti Patimah / NR. Empok Patimah
birth: calculated 1881, Pasirkuda
5. Nyi RAy. Antamirah
birth: calculated 1882, Pasirkuda
6. RA. M. Suradhiningrat (Tjandraningrat)
birth: calculated 1882, Pasirkuda
occupation: from 6 May 1916 - 29 August 1925, Zelfstandig Patih Buitenzorg
7. RM. Yahya Gondoningrat
birth: calculated 1883, Pasirkuda
8. RM. Indris Tirtodiredjo
birth: calculated 1884, Pasirkuda
9. Nyi RAy. Rajamirah \ RAy Mirah
birth: calculated 1885
death: Pasirkuda
R. Kartadjoemena
death: 28 February 1976
burial: Gunung Batu, Bogor
14. Nji R. Odja Sarodja
baptism: Menikah thn 1910
== 3 ==
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