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Person talk:79274

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Revision as of 07:42, 29 May 2016 by Tesson (Talk | contribs)
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Below a confusing text, originally written in this record. Pure point of view pushing. --Christophe Tesson - talk. 10:42, 29 May 2016 (EEST)

[edit] Historical Ishmael

[edit] Mythological Ishmael

View or connect to the Biblical Ishmael

For such reasons Zimran has also been tentatively identified by some with the Arabian town of Zabran, between Meeca and Medina

Due to the unique longevity of Abraham and the fact that his 3rd wife Keturah was also his great granddaughter. The genealogy of the Abrahamic lineage is severely skewed. In order to put the generations of Abrahamic descendants into perspective I am unlinking Abraham from his children in this chart and showing them as children of his wives. I will make a note of this on each of his children's Rodovid records.

As an adult both He and his father Abraham were converted to the faith of El Elyon and undertook the task of rebuilding the temple of Adam in Mecca, known as the Kaaba. Tradition told that it was first built by the hand of Adam (the first man) when he was driven from the Garden of Eden. While the temple was still a site for pilgrimage for peoples from the known world at that time, the temple was already ancient in the time of Abraham and had fallen into ruin. At the conclusion of the reconstruction, both Ahmose and Isemose declared their faith and was ordained at the hand of Malik Sadiq (Melchezedik of Salem) as High Priests of El Elyon (Elohim, IlAllah). Ahmose [Abram] received the name Abraham ibn Ilimilimma al Hanif, and his son, Isetimose (the grandson of Tuthmose III) changed his name to Yišmaʿel (Ishmael, Ismāʿīl).

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Note: There is a problem with the chronology of Ishmael. The Kings lists of Assyria show Ishmael as the King of lands before his mother's birth. There are several possible reasons. Although there appears to be a disconnect the story as related above is consistent with Biblical and Zoroastrian traditions and Egyptian, Hurrian, and Hebrew records. The most likely reason for this is due to differences in calendar systems between the various cultures combined with a scholarly misunderstanding of Sarah as the wife of Thutmose III, and consequent confusion with the parentage of Hatshebiset the mother of Ishmael. According to Egyptian record Sarai is listed as a wife of Tutmose III however, this marriage was symbolic based on the fact that Tutmose III had adopted Isaac the younger son of Sarah and Abraham. Isaac was several generations younger than his older brother the son of Abraham and Hatshebiset. Sarah was in fact younger than Abraham but was a bit older than Hatshebiset who belonged to an elder generation and according to earlier records was the daughter of Tutmose I (not Tutmose III). The Records of Thutmose III show a daughter Beketium who was in all probability either his daughter or an adopted princess (being married to Isaac/Ebusepis).

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