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John Nance Garner IV b. 22 November 1868 d. 7 November 1967

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Lineage Garner
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) John Nance Garner IV

John Nance Garner III [Garner] b. 1845 d. 31 October 1919

Sarah Jane Guest (Garner) [Guest] b. 30 May 1851 d. 20 September 1932

Wiki-page wikipedia:John Nance Garner


22 November 1868 birth: Red River County, Texas, United States

25 November 1895 marriage: Sabinal, Texas, United States, w Mariette Rheiner (Garner) [Rheiner] b. 17 July 1869 d. 17 August 1948

24 September 1896 child birth: Tully Charles Garner [Garner] b. 24 September 1896 d. 1 October 1968

from 4 March 1933 - 20 January 1941 title: Vice President of the United States, 32nd

7 November 1967 death: Uvalde, Texas, United States, aged 98

From grandparents to grandchildren

John Nance Garner II
birth: 15 June 1810, Rutherford County (Tennessee), Tennessee, United States
death: 10 June 1847, Murfreesboro (Tennessee), Rutherford County (Tennessee), Tennessee, United States
John Nance Garner III
birth: 1845, Rutherford County (Tennessee), Tennessee, United States
marriage: Sarah Jane Guest (Garner)
death: 31 October 1919, Detroit (Texas), Red River County, Texas
Sarah Jane Guest (Garner)
birth: 30 May 1851, Detroit (Texas), Red River County, Texas, United States
marriage: John Nance Garner III
death: 20 September 1932, Red River County, Texas, United States
== 3 ==
Mariette Rheiner (Garner)
birth: 17 July 1869, Sabinal, Texas, United States
marriage: w John Nance Garner IV , Sabinal, Texas, United States
death: 17 August 1948, neurological ailment, aged 79
John Nance Garner IV
birth: 22 November 1868, Red River County, Texas, United States
marriage: Mariette Rheiner (Garner) , Sabinal, Texas, United States
title: from 4 March 1933 - 20 January 1941, Vice President of the United States, 32nd
death: 7 November 1967, Uvalde, Texas, United States, aged 98
== 3 ==
Tully Charles Garner
birth: 24 September 1896
death: 1 October 1968

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