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Hethoum I ? (of Armenia)

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Lineage Hethoumide
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Hethoum I ?
Other last names of Armenia

w Constantin de Baberon [Baberon] b. 1180

Alix de Lampron [Hethoumide] d. 1220


child birth: Keran (Guerane) (Kir-Anna) ? (of Lampron) [?]

child birth: Alice de Lampron [Hethumid] d. after 1312

between 1226 and 1270 title: King of Armenian Cilicia

1236 child birth: Leo II (Levon) (Leofwin) ? (of Armenia) [Hethoumide] b. 1236 d. 1289

From grandparents to grandchildren

Vasak de Barbaron
death: seigneur de Barbaron
death: after 1199
Philippa of Armenia
birth: 1183
death: after 1219
Raymond IV de Poitiers (of Antioch)
title: between 1187 and 1189, comte de Tripoli
title: between 1193 and 1194, prince régent d'Antioche
marriage: Alix (Alice) ? (of Armenia, Rupenids)
death: May 1199
Hethoum III de Lampron
birth: 1151
birth: 1218
title: seigneur de Lampron
marriage: Alix (Alice) ? (of Armenia, Rupenids)
Alix (Alice) ? (of Armenia)
birth: 1182
death: 1234
Constantin de Baberon
birth: 1180
property: seigneur de Lampron
marriage: Alix de Lampron
birth: 1199
marriage: w Элоиза де Лузиньян
title: after 1199, "Rex Iunior" of Armenia
title: from 1205 - 1208, князь Антиохии
title: after 1216, князь Антиохии
death: between 1219 and 1122
== 3 ==
Stéphanie de Barbaron
birth: between 1200 and 1205
marriage: Henry I de Lusignan
death: after 1274
Hethoum de Lampron
birth: about 1220
title: Seigneur de Lampron
death: 1250
Hethoum I ? (of Armenia)
title: between 1226 and 1270, King of Armenian Cilicia
== 3 ==
Balian d'Ibelin
birth: 1240
occupation: sénéchal de Chypre
death: 1302
burial: Nicosie, Chypre
Alice de Lampron
death: after 1312
Guy of Ibelin
birth: 1286
occupation: sénéchal du royaume de Chypre
death: 1308
burial: 8 September 1308, Bellapais, Cyprus, Premonstratensian Abbey, Kyrenia
Isabella ? (of Armenia)
birth: between 1275 and 1280
death: before 9 April 1323

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