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Hermann II von Cilli b. about 1365 d. 13 October 1435

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Lineage Cilli
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Hermann II von Cilli

Hermann I von Cilli [Cilli] b. about 1333 d. 21 March 1385

Katarina (Catherine) Kotromanic (Cilli) [Kotromanic] b. 1336 d. 1396


about 1365 birth:

1377 marriage: Anna von Schaunberg [Schaunberg] b. about 1358 d. about 1396

about 1392 child birth: Целе, Словения, Barbara Celjska [Celje] b. about 1392 d. 11 July 1451

13 October 1435 death: Bratislava


Ban of Croatia and Dalmatia

From grandparents to grandchildren

Friedrich I von Cilli
birth: about 1300
death: 21 March 1359
Vladislav Kotromanić
birth: 1295
marriage: Jelena de Subich , Klis
death: 1353
Ninoslav Kotromanić
birth: before 1310
death: after 1333
Elisabeth von Kujawien
birth: about 1315
marriage: Stjepan II (Stephan) Kotromanic
death: between 1353 and 1373
Ulrich II von Cilli
birth: 1331
death: 26 July 1368
== 3 ==
Anna von Schaunberg
birth: about 1358, Целе
title: Графиня
marriage: Hermann II von Cilli
death: about 1396
Hermann II von Cilli
birth: about 1365
marriage: Anna von Schaunberg
death: 13 October 1435, Bratislava
== 3 ==
Sigismund of Luxembourg
birth: 15 February 1368, :Nuremberg
title: from 29 November 1378 - 1388, Électeur de Brandebourg
title: from 11 November 1385 - 9 December 1437, King of Hungary
marriage: Maria of Hungary
engagement: Barbara Celjska
title: from 20 September 1410 - 9 December 1437, Römisch-deutscher König
title: from 1411 - 1415, Électeur de Brandebourg
title: from 16 August 1419 - 9 December 1437, King of Bohemia
title: from 16 August 1419 - 9 December 1437, Duc de Luxembourg
death: 9 December 1437, Znojmo, Bohemia
Barbara Celjska
birth: about 1392, Целе, Словения
engagement: Sigismund of Luxembourg
death: 11 July 1451, Мельник
Albert II of Germany
birth: 16 August 1397, Vienna (Austria)
title: 14 September 1404, Archduke of Austria
marriage: Elisabeth of Luxembourg , Prague
title: 18 December 1437, King of Hungary
title: 24 December 1437, King of Bohemia
title: from 18 March 1438 - 27 October 1439, King of the Romans
death: 27 October 1439, Neszmély
Elisabeth of Luxembourg
birth: 7 October 1409, Prague
marriage: Albert II of Germany , Prague
title: 28 October 1421, Reinne de Hungarie and Bohème
title: 18 December 1437, Reine de l'Allemagne
title: 24 December 1437, duchesse d'Autriche
title: 18 March 1438, Rome, Reine des Romains
death: 19 December 1442, Győr

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