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Bermudo I

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Lineage Cantabria
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Bermudo I

Fruela de Cantabrie [Astur] d. about 758

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Bermudo I of Asturias


marriage: Ursinda Munialona de Coimbra [Coimbra] b. about 754

between 759 and 817 child birth: Cristina [?] b. between 759 and 817

between 759 and 817 child birth: García [?] b. between 759 and 817 d. about 842

between 789 and 791 title: King of Asturias

calculated 790 child birth: Ramiro I de Asturias [Astur] b. calculated 790 d. 1 February 850


From grandparents to grandchildren

birth: between 650 and 710
marriage: Pedro de Cantabria
Pedro de Cantabria
marriage: Gaudiosa
title: from 702 -, Duque de Cantabria
death: 730
Alfonso I de Asturias
birth: 693
marriage: Sisalda
marriage: Эрмезинда Визиготка
title: between 739 and 757, Rey de Asturias, 3°
death: 757
Numabela de Cantábria
birth: 715
death: 752
Menina Gosendes de Cantábria
birth: about 717
death: 767
Singerico de Cantabria
birth: between 691 and 751
Fruela de Cantabrie
title: Duc de Cantabrie
death: about 758
== 3 ==
Aurelio des Asturies
birth: calculated 740
title: between 768 and 774, Roi des Asturies, 5°
death: 774, San Martín del Rey Aurelio
Bermudo I
marriage: Ursinda Munialona de Coimbra
title: between 789 and 791, King of Asturias
== 3 ==
Ramiro I de Asturias
birth: calculated 790
marriage: Paterna ? (de Castille)
marriage: Urraca
title: between 842 and 1 February 850, Rey de Asturias, 10°
death: 1 February 850, Santa María de Naranco
birth: between 759 and 817
birth: between 759 and 817
death: about 842
Ordoño Ier d'Oviedo
birth: 821, Oviedo
marriage: Munia
title: between 2 February 850 and 27 May 866, Roi des Asturies
death: 27 May 866, Oviedo
Rodrigo de Castilla
title: between 860 and 873, Conde de Castilla, 1°
Gatón del Bierzo
birth: about 800
death: 878

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