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Teresa Thierstein Simões-Ferreira b. 5 October 1938

From Rodovid EN

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Lineage Simões-Ferreira
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Teresa Thierstein Simões-Ferreira

José Simões-Ferreira [Simões-Ferreira] b. 1910

Irene Thierstein [Thierstein]


5 October 1938 birth: Maputo

1966 marriage: Henry John Heinz [Heinz] b. 23 October 1938 d. 4 April 1991

26 May 1995 marriage: John Forbes Kerry [Kerry] b. 11 December 1943

From grandparents to grandchildren

Alberto Thierstein
birth: 1870, Valletta
== 3 ==
Henry John Heinz
birth: 23 October 1938, Pittsburgh
marriage: Teresa Thierstein Simões-Ferreira
death: 4 April 1991, Lower Merion Township, PA, Flugzeugabsturz
== 3 ==

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