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Eleanor Calvert b. between 1757 and 1758 d. 28 September 1811

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Lineage Calvert
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Eleanor Calvert

Benedict Swingate Calvert [Calvert] b. between 1730 and 1732 d. 9 January 1788

Elizabeth Calvert Butler [Butler]


marriage: John Parke Custis [Custis] b. November 1754 d. 5 November 1781

31 March 1779 child birth: Eleanor Parke Custis (Lewis) [Custis] b. 31 March 1779 d. 15 July 1852

30 April 1781 child birth: George Washington Parke Custis [Custis] b. 30 April 1781 d. 10 October 1857

1811 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Mary Janson
marriage: Charles Calvert (Baltimore)
death: 25 March 1770, Chaillot nr Paris, France
Charles Calvert (Baltimore)
birth: 29 September 1699
marriage: Mary Janson
death: 24 April 1751, Kent (England), 51 years old
Frederick Calvert
birth: 6 February 1732
title: Lord Baltimore, 6th
death: 4 September 1771, Naples, Italy
Caroline Calvert
birth: about 1745
title: Hon.
marriage: Robert Eden (Maryland)
death: 4 April 1803
Benedict Swingate Calvert
birth: between 1730 and 1732, England
marriage: Elizabeth Calvert Butler
death: 9 January 1788, MD
== 3 ==
George Calvert
birth: 2 February 1768, Mount Airy, MD
marriage: Rosalie Eugenia Stier
death: 28 January 1838, Riverdale Park, MD
John Parke Custis
birth: November 1754, United States
marriage: Eleanor Calvert
death: 5 November 1781, United States
== 3 ==
George Washington Parke Custis
birth: 30 April 1781
marriage: Mary Lee Fitzhugh
death: 10 October 1857
Lawrence Lewis
birth: 4 April 1767, Fredericksburg (Virginia)
marriage: Eleanor Parke Custis (Lewis)
death: 20 November 1839
Eleanor Parke Custis (Lewis)
birth: 31 March 1779
marriage: Lawrence Lewis
death: 15 July 1852
Robert Edward Lee
birth: 19 January 1807, Westmoreland County, Virginia, United States
education: from 1825 - 1829, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York, United States
military service: from 1829 - 1861, Unites States Army Corps of Engineers, 1829-1851; Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy, 1852-1855; commander US Second Cavalry Regiment, 1855-1861
marriage: Mary Anne Randolph Custis
military service: from 1861 - 1865, Commander, Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865; general-in-chief of Confederate forces, 1865.
occupation: from 1865 - 1870, President of Washington College, Lexington, Virginia
death: 12 October 1870
Mary Anne Randolph Custis
birth: 1 October 1808
marriage: Robert Edward Lee
death: 5 November 1873

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