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Thomas Fairfax (of Cameron) b. 1560 d. 2 May 1640

From Rodovid EN

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Lineage Fairfax
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Thomas Fairfax
Other last names of Cameron

Dorothy Gale [Gale]

(Sir) Thomas Fairfax (of Denton) [Fairfax]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Thomas_Fairfax,_1st_Lord_Fairfax_of_Cameron


1560 birth:

1582 marriage: Ellen Ashe (Aske) (of Aughten) [Ashe]

29 March 1584 child birth: Ferdinando Fairfax [Fairfax] b. 29 March 1584 d. 14 March 1648

2 May 1640 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

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