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Gentile II Orsini b. 1250 d. after 1318

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Lineage Orsini
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Gentile II Orsini

Bertoldo Orsini [Orsini] b. about 1230 d. after 1319

Filippa - (Orsini) [-]


marriage: Clarice Ruffo [Ruffo]

1268 child birth: Romano Orsini (Count of Nola) [Orsini] b. 1268

after 1318 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Giovanni Gaetani Orsini (Pope Nicholas III)
birth: 1216, Rome, Italy
title: from 1277 - 1280, Rome, Pope
death: 22 August 1280, Viterbo, Italy
Gentile I Orsini
birth: 1200
title: lord of Pitigliano
marriage: Costanza - (Orsini)
death: 1246
Orso Orsini
birth: États pontificaux
marriage: Jacopa Savelli
death: about 1327
Matteo Orsini
birth: about 1230, Rome, États pontificaux
death: 4 September 1305, Pérouse, États pontificaux
Bertoldo Orsini
birth: about 1230, Rome, États pontificaux
marriage: Filippa - (Orsini)
title: 1278, Count of the Romagna
death: after 1319
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Anastasie de Montfort (Orsini)
birth: about 1274
title: comtesse de Nola par naissance
title: dame de Chailly par naissance
title: dame de Longjumeau par naissance
marriage: Romano Orsini (Count of Nola)
Romano Orsini (Count of Nola)
birth: 1268
title: comte de Nola par mariage
title: comte de Soana par mariage
title: seigneur de Vicovaro par mariage
marriage: Anastasie de Montfort (Orsini)
Roberto Orsini (di Nola)
birth: 1295
marriage: Sveva del Balzo
death: 15 January 1345

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