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John Manners (of Rutland) b. 10 January 1604 d. 29 September 1679

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Lineage Manners
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) John Manners
Other last names of Rutland

George Manners [Manners] d. 23 April 1623

Grace Pierrepont [Pierrepont] b. about 1570

Wiki-page wikipedia:John_Manners,_8th_Earl_of_Rutland


10 January 1604 birth:

child birth: w Margaret Manners (of Rutland) [Manners] d. 1682

title: Eighth Earl Rutland

marriage: Frances Montagu [Montagu]

29 September 1679 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Anne Manners
birth: 3 July 1536, Inglaterra, Middlesex, Shoreditch, Holywell
marriage: w Henry Neville (5th Earl of Westmoreland)
death: after 27 June 1549
John Manners
birth: 1527
marriage: Dorothy Vernon
death: 4 June 1611
Dorothy Vernon
birth: 1531
marriage: John Manners
death: 24 June 1584
Grace Pierrepont
birth: about 1570
marriage: George Manners
burial: Bakewell, Дербишир, England, All Saints Church
== 3 ==
John Manners (of Rutland)
birth: 10 January 1604
title: Eighth Earl Rutland
marriage: Frances Montagu
death: 29 September 1679
== 3 ==
John Manners (1st Duke of Rutland)
birth: 29 May 1638, Boughton
marriage: Catherine Wriothesley Noel
death: 10 January 1711, Belvoir Castle
Grace Manners
marriage: w Patrick Chaworth
death: 15 February 1700
James Cecil
birth: 1648
marriage: w Margaret Manners (of Rutland)
title: 1660, Viscount Cranborne
title: 1668, Earl of Salisbury
death: June 1683
James Cecil
birth: 1666
death: 1694
Richard Jones
birth: 8 February 1641
marriage: w Margaret Cecil
death: 5 January 1712
John Stawell
birth: 1669
marriage: w Margaret Cecil
death: 1692

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