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Qedma Asgad

From Rodovid EN

Revision as of 16:42, 12 September 2010 by Almoustine (Talk | contribs)
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Lineage House of Solomon
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Qedma Asgad

w Solomon I ? (Yagbe'u Seyon) [House of Solomon]


between 1296 and 1297 title: Negus of Ethiopia

From grandparents to grandchildren

Yekuno ? (Amlak)
title: between 10 August 1270 and 19 June 1285, Negus of Ethiopia
Wedem Arad
title: between 1299 and 1314, Negus of Ethiopia
Solomon I ? (Yagbe'u Seyon)
title: between 18 June 1285 and 1294, Negus of Ethiopia
== 3 ==
Senfa Ared IV
title: between 1294 and 1295, Negus of Ethiopia
Hezba Asgad
title: between 1295 and 1296, Negus of Ethiopia
Jin Asgad
title: between 1297 and 1298, Negus of Ethiopia
Saba Asgad
title: between 1298 and 1299
Qedma Asgad
title: between 1296 and 1297, Negus of Ethiopia
== 3 ==

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