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Itsko Gorlachik

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Lineage Golrlachiks
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Itsko Gorlachik

Meer Gorlachik [Gorlachik]


child birth: Yankel Gorlachik [Gorlachik]

about 1870 child birth: Chavusy, Mogilev province, Russian Empire, Belarus ?, Abram Gorlachik [Gorlachik] b. about 1870 d. 1941

from 1906 - 1907 residence: Chausy, Mogilev province, Russian Empire, Belarus ?


Gorlachik Itsko Meerovich or his namesake was a voter in 1906 - 1907

From grandparents to grandchildren

? Gorlachik
birth: estimated 1800
Meyshe Gorlachik
birth: estimated 1820, Belarus, ?
marriage: ? ? , Russland, Belarus, ?
death: Belarus
Abram Gorlachik
birth: before 1826
== 3 ==
Itsko Gorlachik
residence: from 1906 - 1907, Chausy, Mogilev province, Russian Empire, Belarus ?
== 3 ==
Genya Leibovna Zarankina (Gorlachik)
birth: about 1876, Rasna (Mogilev Region), Mogilev province, Russian Empire, Belarus ?
marriage: Abram Gorlachik
death: 1941, Chavusy, Mogilev region, Belarus, Soviet Union
Abram Gorlachik
birth: about 1870, Chavusy, Mogilev province, Russian Empire, Belarus ?
marriage: Genya Leibovna Zarankina (Gorlachik)
death: 1941, Chavusy, Mogilev region, Belarus, Soviet Union
Yankel Gorlachik
residence: 1906, Chavusy, Mogilev province, Russian Empire, Belarus ?
Boris Gorlachik
birth: 5 October 1905, Chausy, Mogilev province, Russian Empire, Belarus ?
birth: 1910, Chausy, Mogilev province, Russian Empire, Belarus ? According to various sources, he was born either on 10/05/1905 or in 1910.
death: after 1985
Raisa Gorlachik
birth: 30 August 1907, Chausy, Mogilev province, Russian Empire, Belarus
death: 12 December 2002, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
death: 12 December 2008, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
Isaak Gorlachik
birth: 14 August 1913, Chavusy
death: before 1985

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