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Samsu-Iluna b. before -1750 d. -1712

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Line 5: Line 5:
<name>Samsu-Iluna</name> <name>Samsu-Iluna</name>
<parents>95757</parents> <parents>95757</parents>
 + <children>458410</children>
<wiki_page>[[wikipedia:en:Samsu-Iluna]]</wiki_page> <wiki_page>[[wikipedia:en:Samsu-Iluna]]</wiki_page>
<language>en</language> <language>en</language>
<id>285802</id> <id>285802</id>
</person> </person>
- <ev_id>514855</ev_id> 
- <ev_type>BIRT</ev_type> 
- <ev_info>Reconquest of Ur</ev_info> 
<events> <events>
<ev_id>333189</ev_id> <ev_id>333189</ev_id>
Line 19: Line 15:
<year>-1750</year> <year>-1750</year>
<date_status>BEF</date_status> <date_status>BEF</date_status>
 + <ev_id>514855</ev_id>
 + <ev_type>EVEN</ev_type>
 + <ev_info>Reconquest of Ur</ev_info>
</events> </events>
<events> <events>
Line 36: Line 37:
<ev_type>DEAT</ev_type> <ev_type>DEAT</ev_type>
<year>-1712</year> <year>-1712</year>
 + <ev_id>543637</ev_id>
 + <ev_type>TITL</ev_type>
 + <year>-1686</year>
 + <date_status>BET</date_status>
 + <year2>-1648</year2>
 + <ev_info>King of Babylon - Kings List A Chronology</ev_info>
</events> </events>
<version>0.2</version> <version>0.2</version>
</record> </record>

Revision as of 01:29, 21 January 2011

Lineage Amorites
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Samsu-Iluna

Hammurabi [First Babylonian Dynasty] b. -1810 d. -1750

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Samsu-Iluna


before -1750 birth:

child birth: Abieshuh ? (Abi-Eshuh) [First Babylonian Dynasty]

other: Reconquest of Ur

other: State of Saeland achieves independence

between -1750 and title: King of Babylon

-1712 death:

between -1686 and -1648 title: King of Babylon - Kings List A Chronology

From grandparents to grandchildren

title: between -1813 and -1792, King of Babylon, 5th
death: about -1793
title: between -1748 and -1729, King of Babylon-Kings list A chronology
birth: -1810
nationality: Ammorite/Emarite
title: -1793, king of Babylon, 6th
other: -1762, Conquered Amoria (City of Mari)
other: -1758, Annexed Elam, Larsa, and Isin
death: -1750
title: between -1728 and -1686, King of Babylon
== 3 ==
birth: before -1750
other: Reconquest of Ur
other: State of Saeland achieves independence
title: between -1750 and, King of Babylon
death: -1712
title: between -1686 and -1648, King of Babylon - Kings List A Chronology
== 3 ==
Abieshuh ? (Abi-Eshuh)
title: between -1712 and -1673
title: between -1648 and -1620, King of Babylon-Kings List A Chronology
Ammiditana ? (Ammi-Ditana)
title: between -1684 and -1647, King of Babylon
other: -1650, Kassite invasion of Mesopotamia
title: between -1620 and -1583, King of Babylon - Kings List A Chronology

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