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Angela Rech

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Lineage Rech
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Angela Rech
Other given names (Simonaz)


marriage: Pietro Scariot [Scariot]

31 March 1819 child birth: Maria Domenica Scariot (Rech) [Scariot] b. 31 March 1819 d. 20 September 1877


Fonte:"O Livro dos Meus-Familia Bertelli" Aureo Bertelli Av. Venâncio Aires, 1086 C.Postal 107 CEP 95170-000 São Marcos-RS,Brasil

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Simon Rech
birth: 3 February 1811
marriage: Maria Domenica Scariot (Rech)
death: 12 March 1877
Maria Domenica Scariot (Rech)
birth: 31 March 1819
marriage: Simon Rech
death: 20 September 1877
Giacoma Bertelle (Rech)
marriage: Fioravante Rech , Seren Del Grappa - Belluno
Fioravante Rech
birth: 11 July 1850
marriage: Giacoma Bertelle (Rech) , Seren Del Grappa - Belluno
Maria Elizabetta Scopel (Rech)
birth: 11 September 1842
marriage: Domenico Rech
death: 12 October 1880
Domenico Rech
birth: 27 March 1844
marriage: Maria Elizabetta Scopel (Rech)
death: 23 June 1882

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