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José Ortega y Gasset b. 9 May 1833 d. 18 October 1955

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Lineage Ortega
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) José Ortega y Gasset

w José Ortega Munilla [Ortega] b. 26 October 1856 d. 30 December 1922

Dolores Gasset Chinchilla [Gasset]

Wiki-page wikipedia:es:José_Ortega_y_Gasset


9 May 1833 birth: Madrid, España

marriage: w Rosa Spottorno Topete [Spottorno] b. 23 April 1884 d. 24 September 1980

18 October 1955 death: Madrid, España

From grandparents to grandchildren

José Ortega Munilla
birth: 26 October 1856, Madrid, España
marriage: Dolores Gasset Chinchilla
death: 30 December 1922
== 3 ==
Rosa Spottorno Topete
birth: 23 April 1884
marriage: w José Ortega y Gasset
death: 24 September 1980, Madrid
José Ortega y Gasset
birth: 9 May 1833, Madrid, España
marriage: Rosa Spottorno Topete
death: 18 October 1955, Madrid, España
== 3 ==

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